Turn a drill into a robot and come battle!

How It Works

JunkBOTS brings fun and affordability to Bot Battles


You need a transmitter and receiver to start. From there you build your Bot with new and used parts. There is a $150 limit with only $75 allowed for new parts. Official JunkBOT builds are limited to 2 1/2 days- on the eve of the 3rd the battle begins!

New Parts

This includes any part bought new. This does not include unopened items you find at the Thrift Store or Flea Market. Typical Bot parts in this category could include a drill and speed controllers.

Used Parts

These parts come from the Thrift Store, garage sales and Flea Markets. Maybe you’ll luck out and find a cordless drill or battery operated weed whacker at your local Goodwill. Keep a receipt book in the event the vendor does not issue receipts.


Find other Bot Builders in your area and battle; record the battle and post it on your FB or YT and send us a link. Want an officially sanctioned JunkBOT battle? Contact us for more information. JunkBOTS Roll Out!


The rules of JunkBOT battles
Build Your Bot And Bring It To The Arena!

Official JunkBOTS Rules JunkBOTS Teams may have as many membvers as they would like, but only 4 are permitted in the battle box during competition. The 4:20 Rule - 1.) 20 lbs. Max Weight - 2.) 20" Max height - 3.) 20" Max Width - 4.) 20" Max Depth - Bot Max Cost: $150. - $75 Max on New Parts. - One Controller (Transmitter) and one Receiver DO NOT count towards Max Cost. Additional Transmitters and receivers count towards total Bot cost, new or used depending on how they were acquired. - Any money left over from New Parts can be used For Used Parts. - Used Parts must have a receipt of purchase. The best places to acquire Used Parts are Thrift Stores, Junk Yards and Flea Markets. Be sure to have a receipt book in the event the vendor does not offer receipts. - HARDWARE. Wire, Wire Connectors, Nuts, Bolts, Washers etc. count at true cost. Bulk purchase?- Divide total cost by total quantity to get your per piece price; use the same formula for other bulk items such as metal banding tape. - Keep your receipts, An Official JunkBOTS Representative will inspect your Bot to ensure compliance with rules. - Max Build Time: 2 1/2 Days. You Get 2 1/2 Days To build your Bot and on the evening of the 3rd Day you Battle! - Take video and photos to post Online. - Contact Us to find out more about Officially Sanctioned JunkBOT Battles!

  • The 2nd biggest part of any BOT

  • Experience in simple electronics is helpful

  • Basic engineering a plus

  • The biggest part of any build!!!

JunkBOT Teams

This weeks featured teams


BOT: Smashbot
The creator of JunkBots, Estebahn, brings his Bot “Phil” to the party. “Phil” is a smashbot with a VCR cover- WARNING: Not your average VCR!


BOT: Spinnerbot
Lawrence Lowe hails out of Bowling Green, OH. This rookie bot builder has shown he knows enough to compete and destroy the competition.


BOT: Ghostbot
Father-son duo Julian and Cristian Garcia are new to bot building, but both have experience in electronics hardware and software that could come in handy!


BOT: Hammerbot
Scott Mackey and TJ Flynn bring their heavy equipment and construction experience to Bot building. Bot rookies that may get a win- or a rude intro to Bot Battles!

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